For the 4th year in a row, Variety - The Children's Charity and
97.3 The Eagle reached out to the people of the Comox Valley and Campbell
River, requesting support for the charity. The results serve to prove the
size of the hearts of the communities, who contributed $28,474 to help
children with special needs and their families.

"It has been a privilege to work with Variety again on our 4th annual
Radiothon," says Richard Skinner, Operations Manager at 97.3 The Eagle.
"It's always so heartwarming to see our listeners come through in such a
generous way.The people of Vancouver Island are known for their generosity,
but the folks in Campbell River and the Comox Valley region really outdid
themselves. We hit $8,000 on the first day, and flew past that mark with the
extra $20,000+ on the second day."

Volunteers came from all over the region to "man" the phones during the
two-day, 12 hour radiothon.

"Courtenay Councillor Doug Hillian, a group of ladies from the Red Hat
Society, and representatives from the Creative Employment Access Society
were some of the people who dropped by to take donations," says Event
Coordinator Lexa Betson. "We had a lot of fun with groups challenging other
groups to meet or beat donations."

"It's extremely important to note that all of the money we raise stays in
the community," confirms Betson. "Every dollar donated goes to help your

138 Buddy Bears, adorable stuffed teddies that each represents a collective
donation of $200, will be distributed to St. Joseph's Hospital in Comox,
Campbell River Hospital and Powell River Hospital to comfort children in

Variety wishes to thank everyone in the community who supported the
Radiothon, and acknowledges its generous sponsors: 97.3 The Eagle, Old House
Village Hotel & Spa, Canadian Direct Insurance, Quality Foods Courtenay, Kal
Tire, Telus, Comox Valley Echo and Campbell River Courier Islander.