Well, for at least a month Comox Valley residents have been wondering where the sunshine was hiding. Compared to June of last year, 2010 saw significantly reduced temperatures and fewer impressions from ol’ Mr. Sun.
Well, things have changed, and with temperatures soaring into the low 30’s, its time to get out and savor the beautiful weather. In doing so however, it is important to try and keep cool and protected from the sun. Here are a few tips to help keep you cool!
- Lets start with the super obvious, I figured I better include them: Wear a hat & sunglasses, drink plenty of water, and don’t forget the sunblock! If you are heading to the beach, bring an umbrella!
- If you are sitting at a desk in a hot office and have the option, consider soaking your feet in some ice water while you work. This will cool your blood and help keep you slightly more comfortable
- Soak a t-shirt in cold water, wring it out, and put it on. The coolness can last an hour or more. If you wear it near a fan you can get some added cooling action.
- Have a soak in the Lake or River, or even a cold shower or bath. Once you start to feel a bit cold, hop out and enjoy the lasting benefits.
- In your house, consider moving to the basement (if you have one). It will likely be noticeably cooler.
- Keep your window blinds closed. This will block the sun, and reduce the heading effect inside your home. In extreme cases you can put cardboard with aluminum foil over it in the windows to help reflect more of the heat.
- Watch what you eat! Try sandwiches, or other cold foods. Do not turn your stove on! If you have to cook, consider using your BBQ.
- Turn off other electrical appliances. Your TV and Stereo give off heat, and its enough to significantly warm up a small room. Turn off all the lights, your computer, and any other electrical device that puts out heat.
- Stick cups of ice in front of a fan. While not as cooling as an A/C unit, you will feel a difference.
- Get naked! Okay, for most situations this wont work, not sure your boss would approve, or even your friendly neighborhood Walmart cashier, but if your somewhere private and need to cool down, it will help